Women Helping Women
Women’s Shelter Collection Drive
September 5 – 28, 2022
Women United and our United Way encourage all Mid-Southerners to support our Domestic Violence Shelter Collection Drive to ensure women and children have what they need when they restart their lives. Women who are victims of domestic violence often leave their homes quickly without packing. All they take with them are their children and the clothes on their backs. Join Women United in a collection drive to ensure women and children living in a shelter have the necessities they need to get back on their feet.
We’ve made donating these items even easier! The drive takes place Sept. 5-28 and there are five ways to help:
- Host a United Way Domestic Violence Shelter Collection Drive at your workplace or with your friends and family. Sign up HERE.
- Click on our Amazon list to purchase items for contact-free delivery to our United Way.
- Collect supplies from the list below and drop them off at United Way Plaza, 1005 Tillman Street, Monday-Friday, 8am to 4pm, September 5-28.
- Make a donation towards the purchase of domestic violence shelter supplies by texting NOMORE to 40403.
- Join us at the United Way Plaza as we sort and prepare donated items to be delivered to a local Domestic Violence shelter on October 1st from 10am – 2pm. Sign up to volunteer here.
Items needed:
- New Pillows
- New towels (hand, bath, washcloths)
- NEW Twin-Sized Bedding (sheets, pillowcases, blankets)
- Shampoo & Conditioner
- Body Wash & Soap
- Deodorant
- Toilet Paper
- Paper Towels
- Kleenex
- Tissues
- Baby Items