by uwmsnewscenter | Apr 30, 2015 | Archive
Youth United Way Leadership Program is asking all member teens and their families to mark Wednesday, May 6, 2015 on their calendars and schedules for this year’s recognition banquet, which celebrates youth service. The recognition banquet is one of the most popular...
by uwmsnewscenter | Apr 28, 2015 | Archive
We have completed our move to 1005 Tillman Street, Memphis, TN 38112 (this is our new mailing address). Our thanks once again to Georgia Pacific for the donation of our new headquarters, located in the Binghampton/Heights neighborhoods. Our main telephone number is...
by uwmsnewscenter | Apr 2, 2015 | Archive
United Way’s Annual Luncheon last week was a huge success. Not only is United Way under new leadership, but we now have a new place to call home: 1005 Tillman. Please see our gallery of pictures from the event, held at the Peabody last Thursday, and if you see...