United Way of the Mid-South’s annual “Trunk or Treat on Tillman Street” provides a safe and fun way for families to enjoy Halloween with COVID-19 accommodations. All safety measures and precautions will be taken to keep attendees, volunteers and staff safe. Join us for music, food, fun, and of course plenty of candy! Funded agency partners and other community groups will have the opportunity to showcase their incredible work by decorating the trunks of cars and by passing out treats to local youth.
For more information and sponsorship inquiries, please contact Shamikia Adkins at shamikia.adkins@uwmidsouth.org.
Trunk or Treat takes place on October 23rd, 2021 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at United Way Plaza which is located at 1005 Tillman Street, Memphis, TN 38112.