Charlize was born with congenital heart disease and required a feeding tube. After leaving the hospital, her mother found it was extremely difficult to find childcare that could meet Charlize’s complex medical needs.
This was devastating news, as Charlize’s mother was the family’s sole provider. Without childcare, she would have to leave her job. How would they enjoy a high quality of life?
Charlize’s mother called Le Bonheur Early Intervention & Development (a United Way partner agency) for information. She was connected to the Porter-Leath Early Head Start program. The Le Bonheur staff provided medical training to Porter-Leath’s teachers, so they could address Charlize’s medical needs.
Charlize’s mother was able to return to work and care for her daughter. Porter-Leath and Le Bonheur continued to provide care for Charlize’s special needs, even after her successful heart transplant!
For over 160 years, Porter-Leath has served over 12,000 children and 3,000 families.
Your support of United Way plays a big part in helping Porter-Leath empower children and families to achieve a healthy, optimal, and independent lifestyle.