Elisabeth D. Babcock
Purchase tickets to United Way’s Driving The Dream Town Hall event
As Memphis prepares to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., United Way of the Mid-South CEO and President Dr. Kenneth S. Robinson and Terri Freeman, President of the National Civil Rights Museum, step forward to hold a conversation about solving Memphis’ poverty challenges and United Way’s new initiative, Driving The Dream, with nationally-recognized writer and speaker Elizabeth Babcock, President & CEO of EMPath – Economic Mobility Pathways.
The Driving The Dream Town Hall at The Peabody on Tuesday, August 15 begins with a Donor’s Reception at 4:30 p.m. and the Town Hall will start at 5:30 p.m.
In addition to Elizabeth Babcock’s presentation, a panel of local community leaders and experts including Kenya Bradshaw (The New Teacher Project), David Waters (The Commercial Appeal), and Eric Robertson (Community Lift, Greater Memphis Neighborhoods) will be led by Dr. Robinson in a discussion about the impact poverty has on Memphis and possible solutions toward advancement.
Driving The Dream is a new, groundbreaking initiative bringing groups with a history of alleviating symptoms of poverty together to strengthen cooperative efforts. The initiative creates a network of care using shared strategy, data, and teamwork across multiple organizations, helping more people with a “no wrong door” approach to connect with a series of services resulting in greater financial security.
The Donor’s Reception at 4:30 celebrates the generous contributions of United Way donors throughout the 2016-2017 campaign year. United Way will reveal the first phase of an ongoing “photomentary” project, Faces of Poverty to show the faces of people who have and are advancing out of poverty juxtaposed to their past story. Reception guests will have the opportunity to meet special donors, network and learn more about Driving The Dream and United Way upcoming initiatives and engagement events.
Please contact United Way with any questions. We hope to see you there!