United Way is committed to creating better health outcomes for the Mid-South area as part of our top community priorities work. We’re partnering with the Healthier Tennessee Workplace initiative launched by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam’s Foundation for Health and Wellness, and we’re supporting efforts to help citizens and workplaces make smarter decisions about eating and exercise.
Part of our work in this area is to help remind people to make healthier choices, in the hopes that it creates healthy habits over time. As we make changes to our own work culture at United Way, we’re also seeing opportunities to help organizations remind employees about healthy decisions.
United Way believes in leading by example, so don’t be surprised to take part in an exercise break if you’re in a long meeting held in our offices. We’re also encouraging visitors (and our staff) to eat healthier and take the stairs instead of the elevator when appropriate.
If you’re interested in having these signs in your own organization, contact your United Way staff liason or call our office for more information. Making the Mid-South a healthier place to live means everyone doing their part, and we can all use a reminder now and then. To learn more about the Governor’s Foundation for Health and Wellness, visit healthierTN.com