United Way’s focus on Mid-South poverty through our “Driving The Dream” initiative is receiving widespread support and interest. See these articles from Mid-South newspapers:
- Memphis-based United Way leverages funding to target poverty Commercial Appeal
- Editorial: United Way guides nonprofits into its ‘Driving the Dream’ initiative against poverty Commercial Appeal
Bringing various sectors together, United Way is helping focus our community on what will be needed to battle poverty now, and in the future:
- See how United Way is bringing leaders together to discuss the future of health and human services for the Mid-South Daily News, Memphis
Our media release provides additional information about our United Way’s work to address poverty, using targeted funding approaches to support programs and initiatives to make a difference.
Learn about “Driving the Dream,” United Way’s key initiative addressing local poverty. This issue is United Way’s primary focus in our Mid-South area.
You can always visit the NEWS section of our website for updated information about what’s happening at United Way.