(From left) Diana Bedwell, United Way Director of Community Impact; Dr. Kenneth Robinson, President & CEO of United Way; and Virginia Stallworth, Executive Director of The Memphis Child Advocacy Center at Friday’s Honor Day Celebration.
United Way of the Mid-South was selected at the Memphis Child Advocacy Center’s Honor’s Day Celebration as the recipient of the James G. Hughes Community Advocate Award, which honors a community member whose efforts in Shelby County demonstrate strong commitment to protecting children.
Dr. James G. Hughes was a pioneer in local child abuse prevention and intervention work. He founded Le Bonheur Children in Crisis, was a founding member of the Memphis Child Advocacy Center board of directors, and was a lifelong advocate for children.
Virginia Stallworth, Executive Director of The Memphis Child Advocacy Center, noted United Way’s long support of the organization and its “Stewards of Children” child sexual abuse prevention training program. Over 15,000 adults have participated in training sessions in Shelby County.